Animation on new pathways for a synodal church held at Bellary:

Bellary: 26 FEB 25

The Diocese of Bellary conducted an animation program on “New pathways for a Synodal Church” for the members of diocesan pastoral council on 26th February, 2025. The meeting started at 10a.m at Bishop’s House, Bellary. 30 DPC members from various corners of the diocese actively participated in the animation program. Rev. Dr Lourdsamy T, of Bellary diocese and president, Canon Law Society of India animated the sessions. It was aimed at sensitizing the participants, on the synodal way of functioning in the church and programs to celebrate Ordinary Jubilee year in a Faith filled way.

The members discussed about the Ordinary Jubilee year 2025 programs. Members decided through pastoral council members, parish Commission Facilitators, and diocesan commission secretaries to reach out to all the Catholic families in the diocese to ensure that every Catholic household in the diocese has a copy of the Bible and the Prarthanamurtha family Prayer Book.

Organise Jubilee pilgrimages for children, young people, couples, the elderly, and the sick and take Jubilee crosses to every family. At the deanery level, it was suggested to plan an ecumenical and interreligious program that explores new avenues for a synodal church.

On that occasion Bp. Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary urged everyone to work in collaboration with an objective to transform the local Church into a synodal community through mutual listening and accompaniment he said on this occasion.

Echoing Holy Father’s appeal, Bishop Henry gave a call to organize Ecumenical gatherings and dialogue sessions with people of other faiths. It is a God-given mission to evangelize at this hour.

Fr. Paul Raj, Coordinator , diocesan commissions , briefed about the various programs to be held during the jubilee year of the Universal Church.

Our Patron
St Anthony of Padua