Diocesan Faith Formation Day celebrated:

BALLARI, FEB. 24, 2025

The Diocesan Faith Formation Day was celebrated on 24 Feb. at St. Anthony’s Pastoral Centre, Ballari. The program started at 10.a.m . Over 500 students and animators from all the educational institutions of the diocese enthusiastically participated in the day long program. Bishop Henry, Bishop of Bellary urged the Priests, Animators and heads of institutions to take faith formation beyond the institutions and prioritize children’s faith formation and valued based education. At an early age, children must be initiated to lead faith and morality based lives.

All the deserving children received medals and certificates for their best performance. St Joseph’s Boys School St. Ann’s School, Hutti, St Joseph’s Girls School, Ballari received the overall championship for the year. We thank Fr. William Prabhu OFM CAP (Chairman) and Fr. Vincent Suresh (Secretary), Fr Arogyadani ( Jt. Sec) of the Christian Life Commission for the effectively organizing the programme. and Frs Ivan Pinto, Diocesan Finance Officer, Leo Micheal , Dean Bellary deanery , Albert D’Silva, St Antony’s Community Center, Cyril Lasrado, Parish Priest, Bandihatti and all the managers and animators in schools in the diocese for coordinating the program, appreciated by one and all

Our Patron
St Anthony of Padua